Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard.
Our Services
Ce este dezinfectia? Dezinfectia reprezinta procedura prin care sunt distruse majoritatea microorganismelor patogene sau nepatogene de pe suprafete,...
Ce este dezinsectia? Dezinsectia reprezintă un ansamblu de acţiuni prin care se urmăreşte combaterea artropodelor dăunătoare ce transmit...
Rozatoarele sunt o problema comuna in obiectivele de orice natura deoarece sunt responsabile de raspandirea nenumarator boli infectioase...
About Saral Group
We at SARAL construction deliver projects that sets benchmark across multidisciplinary segments. We span across 4 continent and have a base of 34343 satisfied customers since 1996. From construction to architecture, we understand the art and science behind the building.
At SARAL construction we deliver efficient green housing and electrical fitting using cutting edge methods to precision.We have a team of dedicated professional that rovide integrated solution to ensure safety and on time completion of projects.